Building 9, 162 Highbury Road Burwood Victoria 3125



Staff Links

Use the links below to access important links for staff. This page will be updated from time to time with training and information relevant for Adventist Schools Victoria staff.

Platforms & Management Systems

Damastra (Velpic )Training

Velpic is a Learning Management System for Adventist Schools Victoria Staff to complete workplace health and safety training.

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Solv Safety Management System

Use this resource to report incidents, hazards, near misses etc.

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ASV OHS Hub (Restricted Access – Coordinators Only)

ASV OHS Hub (Restricted Access – Coordinators Only)

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Consent2Go - Events Managment System

Planning and conducting all types of events and excursions.

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Curriculum Portals

Encounter Curriculum

Use this login to access Encounter Curriculum Resources

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